Looking past a simple mirror.
While simplistic there are a few things you should know about when purchasing a mirror. At Palmer's Glass, we specialise in designing, supplying and installing stunning mirror solutions suitable for any residential or commercial application. From bathrooms to bedrooms to living spaces, our mirror services represent quality, value and style.
Time for the Details.
Mirrors are generally edged in one of three ways. They may have a polished edge which sees a clean, smooth edge to the mirror; they may be bevelled edge which sees a chamfer from the edge of the glass coming in approximately 25mm; or they may be framed.
Standard mirror glass comes in 4mm & 6mm thickness. Elements that effect which gage you should use include;
Size: As a general rule any mirror over 1sqm in size should be 6mm.
Length to width ratio: Even if your mirror is under 1sqm, if it is long and thin then 6mm is preferred to prevent a bowing of the glass. For example a dress mirror 1500 x 500 on 4mm glass may distort your image whereas 6mm would render a truer reflection.
Weight: 6mm is noticeably heavier than 4mm so if weight may be an issue then 4mm would be your choice. Remember, a large mirror on 4mm may cause bowing thus distorting the reflected image.
Edging: If you desire a bevelled edge then 6mm is the choice; polished or framed may be on 4mm.
Mirror Guidelines.
Mirrors may be fixed a number of ways to your wall.
They may be glued directly to the wall, often inserted amid tiles. They may be hung as you would hang a picture. They may be screw fixed which requires holes to be drilled during manufacture. They may be baton fixed, which sees one baton glued to the back of your mirror and another to the wall. They then interlock.
No matter what the fixing, safety should always be considered. Large mirrors and mirrors in the bathroom should be vinyl backed. In the event of breakage the vinyl holds the pieces together preventing the shards from causing injury.
When cleaning mirrors care should be taken not to expose the edges of the mirror to water or chemicals that may add to the de-silvering of the mirror. Diligently avoid using any cleaners with ammonia or acid in their contents as this can dramatically reduce the life of the mirror due to de-silvering.
Warranty & additional information.
At Palmer’s Glass we use only the highest quality glass & silicon installed by industry leading trades people. To back up our wares and services we give a 3 year guarantee on all workmanship and silicon.
This means if within three years of installation an issue arises with one of our mirrors due to workmanship or silicon we will rectify the problem quickly and efficiently.Please note that due to the intrinsic nature of glass our guarantee does not cover glass breakage or scratches. In addition, the de-silvering of mirrors is not covered as this process is a natural occurrence given certain environmental influences. Please see previous paragraph for help in this regard.
Further Info:
At Palmers, all mirrors are custom made to your exact specifications, nothing is pre-fabricated. In addition, all aspects of processing are completed in-house giving us total control over quality control and turnaround.
Upon ordering your mirror we require a 30% deposit enabling us to set the wheels in motion.
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